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Friday 27 November 2020

Emotions and Karma

Emotions can cause a lot of misunderstandings because they filter your ability to process reality when in an emotionally charged state of mind. Subconsciously, unresolved emotions navigate our Ego through potentially destructive terrain.


This can leave karmic imprints that create a repeat cycle of more unhappy circumstances.


Emotions that we hold onto can manifest into stress which can cause all sorts of physical symptoms. It can even change the way the brain is hardwired. This is what is called in Vedic and Buddhist philosophy as "Sanskara."

Sanskara is "mental impression, recollection, psychological imprint," and this meaning in Hindu philosophies is a foundational element of karma theory.

"According to various schools of Indian philosophy, every action, intent or preparation by an individual leaves asanskara (impression, impact, imprint) in the deeper structure of his or her mind.


These impressions then await volitional fruition in that individual's future, in the form of hidden expectations, circumstances or unconscious sense of self-worth.


These Sanskaras manifest as tendency, karmic impulse, subliminal impression, habitual potency or innate dispositions."


Embrace your karma, use it as a teacher, make friends with it.


It's not judging or punishing you, but it is telling you the truth about yourself without holding anything back. It is the most honest account of how to conduct your human experience. As long as you choose to evolve, you can suffer successfully through the events in life that slow you down and/or make you feel insecure.

Karma is a very real thing. It is not just our actions that create karma, but also the way we think, especially the way we think about ourselves. The grumpier you are, the more assholes you meet.


Our Ego and the actions that spur from it brings us into resonance with situations and people of similar vibration. These conditions that we unknowingly put ourselves in facilitate more actions and ways of thinking that lead to more karmic consequences.


Does the Ego create the conditions or do the conditions create the Ego?


It's a chicken and the egg paradox, but a cycle that traps us all. I'm not telling you to abandon society and become a monk in the mountains, rather I am telling you to just become more conscious of how you live your life.

Don't try to be superior to your fellow man, aim to be superior to your former self.


Who you are at the present moment is a different incarnation of who you were before. If you allow yourself to devolve, you will then become more confined to the conditions of your karma. If you evolve through reason and intuition, you will gradually escape the conditions of your karma.

Karma is nothing more than a path you put yourself on. As you become more aware of your decisions and actions, you will then learn to make choices that are mindful.


The more conscious your choices are the more you will find yourself in situations that benefit you, and less in situations that cause frustration, anger, sorrow, guilt, or sadness.


Bodhidarma said that your choices are like seeds, each of which will harvest at the right time in your life.


Karma hits you at an unexpected time in ways you cannot prepare for, therefore making the consequences of your actions more devastating due to the inability to prepare for them.

If you feel guilty about something, that's your karma.

If you feel insecure about something, that's your karma.

If you feel frustrated about something, that's your karma.

If you feel angry about something, that's your karma.

If you feel sad about something, that's your karma.

Even with things that are not your fault and genuinely caused by circumstance, the way in which you handle them ultimately affects your karma.


In life, there is only one direction… FORWARD

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